Savings Accounts
Our savings accounts were designed to help you achieve a variety of different goals. No matter what your saving for, FCB Banks has an account to meet your needs. Learn more about each of the accounts below and then compare to make your final decision.

FCB Savings

Student Savings
Our most popular savings account
- Low minimum opening deposit
- Low minimum daily balance
- Competitive interest rate
- Custodial accounts available
Account details
Designed for High School & College Students to encourage saving money.
- Low minimum opening deposit
- Low minimum daily balance
- Competitive interest rate
Account details
New Beginning Savings
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Start down the path to financial success
- Low minimum opening deposit
- No minimum daily balance
- Reduced monthly service charge available
- Competitive interest rate
Account details
Save For Medical Expenses
- Low minimum opening deposit
- No minimum daily balance
- No monthly service charge
- Competitive interest rate
- Debit card to pay for qualified medical or health expenses
Account details
Premier Money Market
Hometown Money Market
An easily-accessible, secure investment
- Low minimum opening deposit
- Competitive interest rate
- Bonus rates available for 49er Gold Club
Account Details
A secure investment with an excellent rate of return
- Competitive interest rate
- Earn at a higher rate when you have a direct deposit to an FCB Checking account
- Bonus when you sign up for e-Statements
Account Details
Jumbo Money Market
Christmas Club
Enjoy a premium return on your funds
- Competitive interest rate
- Bonus rates available for 49er Gold Club
- Fully-liquid, FDIC-insured investment
Account Details
Save for the holiday season
- $5, $10, $20 and $30 denominations
- Make 49 weekly payments & the 50th payment is made by FCB as interest
- Club payouts are in late October
Account Details
Vacation Club
Save for real estate taxes or your next vacation
- $10, $20 and $30 denominations
- Make 49 weekly payments & the 50th payment is made by FCB as interest
- Club payouts are in late April
Account Details
All FCB Savings Accounts are eligible for:
How can I save a million dollars?
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